Where to find log files

Help us speed up troubleshooting

SquaredUp Support may ask you to send the SquaredUp DS log files to assist with troubleshooting.

We'd love it if you could send us the results of the SquaredUp DS diagnostic script (see Collecting diagnostic information) which will include the log files along with a lot more useful diagnostic information, which will help us resolve your problem much more quickly.

It would also be fantastic if you could send a screenshot of the error or issue and a description of what is happening.

SquaredUp DS Maintenance page

You can view and download the latest logs from the Maintenance Page in SquaredUp DS from the top right-hand menu ☰ system > maintenance

More information about the SquaredUp DS Log Files

Logging is enabled by default and SquaredUp DS saves daily logs in the SquaredUp DS folder in the following path:


Troubleshooting Logs

If the log directory contains no log files or the log files are out of date, then check that the SquaredUp DS application pool account (NetworkService by default) has write permissions on the log directory. See the section about applying the correct file permissions automatically in How to check and modify the application pool identity.

Up to 31 days' worth of log files are retained. After this point the oldest file will be deleted. So, excluding the upgrade.log file, there will only ever be a maximum of 31 log files in the Transient\Log folder.

Please contact SquaredUp Support

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