Recycle Bin

Published dashboards go into the Recycle Bin when they are deleted, where they can be restored. The Recycle Bin is available on SquaredUp v5.7 and above.

The Recycle Bin can be found from System > Recycle Bin. Only admin users can see and use the Recycle Bin.

In the Recycle Bin you can see:

  • The title of deleted dashboards.
  • Team folder it was located in
  • Folder it was located in, if it was in a folder
  • When it was deleted
  • Who deleted it
  • Restore button - to permanently deleted an individual dashboard
  • Delete button - to permanently delete an individual dashboard
  • Empty Recycle Bin button - to permanently delete all content from the Recycle Bin.


  • Dashboards stay in the Recycle Bin until they are deleted or the Recycle bin is emptied.
  • Folders cannot be restored.
  • You should refresh the page to see recently deleted dashboards or update the deleted time, the page does not refresh automatically like dashboards do.
  • Unpublished draft dashboards don't go to the Recycle Bin, so can't be restored. As an admin user if you restore one of your own published dashboards that had a draft, then the draft is also restored. You can't restore the draft of another user. Drafts of deleted dashboards are removed from the nav bar, and can be found on System > Unpublished.
  • If a dashboard had Open Access enabled before deletion, Open Access will need to be re-enabled for that dashboard following restore. The Open Access dashboard will get back the original Open Access URL.
  • The lists of deleted dashboards can be sorted by clicking on the columns headers, or searched by from the magnifying glass.

Restoring dashboards

Dashboards are restored to the folder they were in when they were deleted, and a link to it is displayed in the message. If that folder or team folder no longer exists, then it is not possible to show a link in the message, and the dashboard is restored to the next best location:

  • If the folder no longer exists, then the dashboard will be restored to the root of the containing team folder. For example, perhaps the folder was deleted which deletes any dashboards within it.
  • If the dashboard had been in a Team Folder and the Team Folder has been deleted, then the dashboard is restored to the top level navigation bar and may be visible to all users.

The URLs of restored dashboards remains the same.

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