How to activate your license

After installing SquaredUp DS you will be prompted to login and enter a license activation key. You will have been emailed an activation key (often called a license key or activation key), which is then activated against a SquaredUp DS installation.

If you have been asked to reactivate your existing license key, because it has been modified or extended, then you will need to reactivate your existing license (see How to reactivate your license).

If your web server cannot connect to the internet to activate then you can do an offline activation (see How to activate your license offline (manual activation)).

Use this article if you have been sent a new license activation key.

Where do I find my activation key?

You need a specific DS Standalone license activation key to install SquaredUp DS Standalone. This will be a different key to any other you might have received from SquaredUp DS for other products. You will have received this by email with your free trial or purchase.

How to Activate SquaredUp DS

  1. After installing, the set up wizard prompts you to log in as a user who is an administrator on the SquaredUp server, then runs you through first-time use: Login, Activation, and Dashboard Packs. See How to install SquaredUp DS Standalone using the installer.
    Or you may need to browse to http://SquaredUpServer/SquaredUp/Activate
    (where SquaredUpServer is the name of the server where SquaredUp DSis installed).

  2. Paste your license key into the Activation screen.
    Take care to use the correct license key, as many licenses only allow one activation.
    For example, the Primary key for the first server, or the Secondary key for subsequent servers in a multi-server / high availability environment (see Enabling High Availability). The Primary key can be activated only once, while the Secondary key can be activated on up to 3 servers.
  3. Click the Activate button.
  4. Complete the SquaredUp DS setup wizard.

For more information on the setup wizard stages see How to install SquaredUp DS Standalone using the installer

How to check which license key is being used

If you are having problems activating

Anything else we can help with

Please contact SquaredUp Support

Following activation

Browse to your SquaredUp DS instance.

If you used the downloadable installer:

By default, the URL to your SquaredUp DS instance is: http://SquaredUpServer/SquaredUpInstance

SquaredUpServer is the name of the server where SquaredUp DS is installed.

By default, SquaredUpInstance is SquaredUp. For v5 it is SquaredUpv5. If you gave your SquaredUp DS instance a different application name when you installed it, use the name you chose.

On the server it would be http://localhost/SquaredUp

If you deployed SquaredUp DS from the Azure Marketplace:

The URL is https://DNSName of the virtual machine (VM) deployed.

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